DMI: Diversity, Meritocracy & Inclusion at Flock



At Flock, we’re committed to building a Diverse team that embraces a wide range of characteristics, personalities, and perspectives, and we are fully dedicated to fostering an Inclusive environment where every employee feels safe and empowered. At the same time, our hiring and promotion processes are strictly Meritocratic; we evaluate and reward team members solely on their abilities and contributions, rather than their inherent characteristics.

We believe that our commitment to Diversity, Meritocracy & Inclusion (‘DMI’) attracts, recognises, and values the best people, and ultimately delivers the best results—in turn helping us to achieve our mission of making the world quantifiably safer.

Diversity at Flock

Diversity at Flock means valuing a range of perspectives, and building a workforce that reflects our customers and society. We proactively recruit from diverse talent pools to make sure we hire the best people—which we believe come from everywhere. Diversity includes protected characteristics (such as age, gender, race, disability, and sexual orientation), but it also encompasses other characteristics (socioeconomic status, education, professional experience, political views, and cultural backgrounds).

Our “Diversity North Star” is to be a workforce that can draw on a plurality of viewpoints, and that represents the rich tapestry of society and our customers.

Meritocracy at Flock

Meritocracy at Flock means recognising that talent and excellence are not confined to any particular demographic or group. Our hiring and promotion processes are therefore designed to be maximally fair and objective. We cast a wide net and look for the best people from a large, diverse talent pool; then we hire and promote Flockers based on their abilities and contributions, rather than their immutable characteristics.

Our “Meritocracy North Star” is to build a company where all employees are hired and rewarded for their outstanding abilities and contributions—not for any other reason.

Inclusion at Flock

Inclusion is about creating an environment where everyone can feel safe and empowered at work. Every team member, regardless of their characteristics, should feel accepted, respected, supported, and empowered to achieve amazing things here. We have a zero tolerance approach to harassment or bullying, and we ensure equal access to opportunities, such as job offers, promotions, training, and development.

Our “Inclusion North Star” is that no Flocker should ever have to worry that they’ll be treated unfavourably because of who they are.


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